Thursday, December 10, 2009

O Ramazan

O Ramazan
You are here at last
O days I pray to my Lord
At length

May you be blessed
May you be long
Yet as I know..
You will soon be gone

Give me the strength
To make the most
To repent all I can
And to prepare for my ultimate end

O Ramazan pass by slow
Give me the privilege
Of your priceless possession
Mercy from my Lord and Forgiveness for all

I do not belong

I do not belong
Neither here nor there
I was born to belong
To a selected few

But then I questioned
The logic of a group
I understood belief and goodness
Was all that was needed

I therefore choose
Someone from both
Now we walk
Our destined born paths

Yet separate
The days have come
When we both realize

This stark difference
We are bound to compromise
The hurt is there
On both the harbor ends

And we remain
...I remain
Swimming afloat
In no man's land

To Believe And Do Good

We both believe in the same God
but we look at each other
thinking.. "He is doomed"

We both believe in the same Messenger
Who taught us to pray and be charitable
Yet we fight over folded hands and straight ones

We both know we are returning to Allah
Who will judge the most meritious
Yet we decide for ourselves who will be sucessful and who will not

And in the midst of all these chaos
are the true believers
they hear not vile nor the noise

they go ahead in life
Living the true spirit of Islam
knowing that above all these, all you need

is "To believe and do good"